Thursday, 2 January 2014

Hot Toddies

'Tis the season for runny noses and sore throats.

Knock on wood, I've been fairly lucky so far and have only been blowing my nose constantly, however that hasn't prevented me from indulging in my favourite cold cure - the hot toddy.

My grandmother used to give me these soothing beverages whenever she was called upon to care for me during a bout of winter illness. Her version was simple: black tea, squeeze of lemon, and honey...
It wasn't until I was a teen that I realised adults got a more restorative variation of the drink with alcohol in it (usually rum, whiskey or gin).

I know that many make hot toddies with hot water only, but I have to say I quite enjoy the extra added flavour and relaxing qualities that tea brings to the mix. Also it's much better if making a virgin toddy as hot water with lemon, honey and spices just doesn't seem to soothe in the same way. So here is my recipe.

Tea toddy
- 1 cup black tea (I usually use Earl Grey as I always have a lot about and I like the way the bergamot flavours pair with the other ingredients)
- Squeeze of lemon (fresh or not either works) to your taste (I like bitter flavours so use half a lemon)
- 1 teaspoon of honey
- 1 teaspoon roughly chopped ginger
- 4 cloves
- Optional - 1 shot gin (I'm a gin lover and find it goes really well with the Earl Grey, but you can use whiskey or rum instead)

Just toss all the ingredients into your cup of tea and give it a quick stir. You can strain the spices out but personally I think the longer they're in there the better.

Check out this more traditional tea-less toddy.
Felicity Cloake's Perfect Hot Toddy

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